Thriving Futures expands to South Australia

4 Mar 2021
Young girl smiling at the camera

Following on the success of the BHP and Child Australia partnership ‘Thriving Futures’, an early learning workforce development program across the Pilbara, the project has now been extended to the South Australian community of Roxby Downs.

Thriving Futures is about empowering communities throughout regional and remote Australia to help shape the future of up-and-coming generations. The project, designed to improve developmental outcomes for children by supporting communities to grow, thrive and reach their full potential through high quality early learning.

Acknowledging that these experiences for children are only made possible through a committed and high calibre workforce, BHP has funded this project to ensure exceptional professional development opportunities for the educators working with children in early years settings. The project will encourage career pathways with a focus on retention, sustainability, and enhanced professionalisation.

BHP’s Manager of Corporate Affairs at Olympic Dam, Rachael Siddall said:

“At BHP we recognise the local Community’s needs for a highly qualified, sustainable workforce, to ensure our children have the best possible opportunities right from birth.”

With over 30-years of experience providing exemplar early childhood services in regional communities throughout Western Australia and the Northern Territory, Child Australia is well placed to to address the unique challenges in Roxby Downs.

Child Australia’s CEO Ms Tina Holtom said “we have been delighted to support the Hedland and Newman communities in WA with this project for the last six months, and to now be extending our support to Roxby Downs clearly demonstrates BHP’s continued commitment to supporting children in their early years. It is incredible to work alongside this BHP, a company clearly recognises the critical importance of a child’s early years”.

Scholarships will also be offered to assist eligible candidates in South Australia to obtain the skills and qualifications required to begin a career in early childhood education and care. This local strategy will encourage career pathways for the indigenous community, school leavers, parents re-entering the workforce, and mature-age workers looking to reinvigorate their careers.

About Child Australia

Established in 1987 Child Australia is a not for profit organisation and a leading provider of professional development and support for the education sector in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Child Australia’s purpose is to develop the capacity of professionals working with children, families, and the community to support children’s wellbeing, learning and development. More information at

Media Contact

Dr Vicky Absalom-Hornby, Executive Director or 0452 602 023